Students returning to school after summer break can attest that it's good for the professor to start with a review of the basics. Jumping into Thermodynamics 401 without a refresher can make grasping more advanced topics difficult. It's in this spirit that we created the 12th edition of idronics™ entitled Hydronic Fundamentals.
Feedback from our face-to-face training programs, as well as those offered online, frequently ask for explanation of basic design principles or why certain installation practices are followed. So, like a professor giving a review at the start of a semester, this issue of idronics was created to review, refresh and reinvigorate your understanding of the fundamentals that every hydronic system relies on. With a solid grasp of these fundamentals you'll be able to design efficient and reliable systems that deliver unsurpassed comfort. You'll also be better prepared for the more specialized topics that will be coming in future editions of idronics.
This issue also makes frequent reference to past issues that have dealt with specific topics in more detail. We encourage you to download these previous issues.